The Predicate (Prädikat)



In the German language, all the verb types that are included in a sentence constitute its predicate. The predicate is a basic constituent of the sentence; all other constituents and arguments depend on it. It always contains one finite verb form and consists of one or more parts.



The predicate can determine the arguments that can or must complement it. This property is called valency.


For example the verb "schenken" requires three complements.


Ich schenke meiner Frau einen Ring.  
sentence constituent
1st obligatory complement
2nd obligatory complement
einen Ring
accusative object
3rd obligatory complement
meiner Frau
dative object



The verb "essen" requires one complement. However, other optional arguments can be added.


Ich esse gerade eine Pizza.    
sentence constituent
1st obligatory complement
1st optional argument
eine Pizza
accusative object
2nd optional argument




There are simple and complex predicates. Simple predicates consist of one finite verb form; complex predicates consist of more than one verb forms, one of which must be finite.


Peter isst eine Pizza. simple predicate
Laura hat einen Film gesehen. complex predicate



Other elements of the predicate


Complex predicates consist of a number of elements that stand close to the finite verb form.


past participle (Partizip II) Ich habe drei Stunden auf ihn gewartet.
Das Auto ist repariert worden.
infinitive Paul will seine Oma besuchen.
Gehen wir ein Bier trinken?
Er scheint beleidigt zu sein.
the prefix of a separable verb Mach bitte das Fenster auf!
noun phrase in an empty verb structure Wir treffen heute eine endgültige Entscheidung.
Sein Wunsch ging in Erfüllung.
reflexive pronoun * In den Ferien habe ich mich erholt.
  predicative expression ** Monika ist hübsch.


* It refers to non-reflexive verbs of the category "Verbs that can also have a reflexive function, subcategory 2b". In this case, the reflexive pronoun functions as the verb object.


** The predicative expression is an independent sentence constituent. It can, however, be considered a part of the predicate.