Subordinate clauses with a finite verb form (Finitsätze) without a conjunction





Subordinate clauses with a finite verb form (Finitsätze) without a conjunction have no specific meaning when they function as a subject or an object clause.


Form and Function


These types of subordinate clauses are not introduced by a conjunction, contain a finite verb form that stands in the second position of the clause and function as a subject or an object to the superordinate clause.



Ich hoffe, ich sehe dich bald wieder.
Er hat behauptet, du habest ihn angelogen.
Es ist besser, du gibst das Geld sofort zurück.






1. A subordinate clause without an introductory conjunction can function as an argument only to specific verbs. These verbs usually mean “to say” or “to think” or sometimes express hope, wish or perception.


2. Subordinate clauses without an introductory conjunction are mainly object clauses. However, they often function as subjects.


3. Subordinate clauses without an introductory conjunction can often be converted into a dass-clause.


Ich hoffe, ich sehe dich wieder. subordinate clause with a finite verb form (Finitsatz) without a conjunction
Ich hoffe, dass ich dich wiedersehe. dass-clause