- Conjugation in indicative
- Person and number
- Tenses
- Voice
- Mood
- Verb categories
- Valency
- Semantic categories of verbs
- Finite / non-finite verb forms
- Noun
- Adjective
- Adverb
- Article
- Pronoun
- Preposition
- Conjunction
- Particle
- Interjection
- Clause types
- Complex clauses
- Constituents of a sentence
- Sentence structure
- Word order in a sentence
- Negation
Most adjectives in the German language are used without a complement i.e. without an object. For some adjectives though, a complement is obligatory. These adjectives are categorized according to the type and number of complements they may take.
adjectives without complements |
allein, kinderreich, blau, dumm, faul, intelligent |
Adjectives can take a dative object, an accusative object, a genitive object, a prepositional object or an obligatory adverbial as a complement.
adjectives with one complement |
dative object |
jemandem treu sein | |
accusative object | |
jemanden/etwas wert sein | |
genitive object | |
einer Sache gewiss sein | |
prepositional object | |
auf jemanden/etwas angewiesen sein | |
obligatory adverbial | |
irgendwie gelaunt sein |
A very small group of adjectives can have two complements, a dative object and a prepositional object.
adjectives with two complements
dative object and prepositional object |
jemandem bei etwas behilflich sein | |
jemandem in etwas gleich sein | |
jemandem für etwas dankbar sein |