- Conjugation in indicative
- Person and number
- Tenses
- Voice
- Mood
- Verb categories
- Valency
- Semantic categories of verbs
- Finite / non-finite verb forms
- Noun
- Adjective
- Adverb
- Article
- Pronoun
- Preposition
- Conjunction
- Particle
- Interjection
- Clause types
- Complex clauses
- Constituents of a sentence
- Sentence structure
- Word order in a sentence
- Negation
Prepositions with genitive
The following prepositions are always governed by the genitive case :
angesichts | anhand | anlässlich | anstatt /statt | anstelle | aufgrund | außerhalb |
bezüglich | halber | infolge | innerhalb | laut | mithilfe | oberhalb |
trotz | um...willen | unterhalb | unweit | während | wegen | zugunsten |
Examples |
angesichts der Tatsachen |
angesichts der Gefahr |
Note : angesichts can also be used as an adverb, when combined with the preposition "von". This use is mandatory when the genitive case in the plural number is indiscernible or when the noun stands alone in the singular number.
Example |
angesichts von wachsenden sozialen Spannungen |
angesichts von Krise |
Examples |
anhand der Unterlagen |
anhand einiger praktischer Beispiele |
Note : anhand can also be used as an adverb when combined with the preposition"von". This use is mandatory when the genitive case in the plural number is indiscernible or when the noun stands alone in the singular number.
Example |
anhand von Daten |
anhand von Produktivität |
Examples |
anlässlich seines 18. Geburtstags |
anlässlich unserer Verlobung |
Note : anlässlich can also be used as an adverb, when combined with the preposition "von". This use is mandatory when the genitive case in the plural number is indiscernible.
Example |
anlässlich von Entführungen |
anstatt / statt |
Examples |
statt des Geldes |
statt einer ökologischen Wende |
Note : statt can be used with the dative case when the genitive case in the plural number is indiscernible.
Example |
statt Worten |
statt Filmen |
anstelle / an Stelle
Examples |
anstelle großer Reden |
anstelle seines Bruders |
Note : anstelle can also be used as an adverb combined with the preposition "von", when the noun has no article. This use is mandatory when the genitive case in the plural number is indiscernible or when the noun stands alone in the singular number.
Example |
anstelle von Schecks |
anstelle von Gewalt |
aufgrund / auf Grund
Examples |
aufgrund der schwierigen Marktverhältnisse |
aufgrund des schlechten Wetters |
Note : aufgrund can be used as an adverb combined with the preposition "von", when the noun has no article. This use is mandatory when the genitive case in the plural number is indiscernible or when the noun stands alone in the singular number.
Example |
aufgrund von Problemen |
aufgrund von Altersschwäche |
Examples |
außerhalb des Hauses |
außerhalb der Landesgrenzen |
Note : außerhalb can also be used as an adverb, when combined with the preposition "von". This use is mandatory when the genitive case in the plural number is indiscernible. Außerhalb is often used with "von" and nouns that stand alone in the singular number.
Example |
außerhalb von Einrichtungen |
außerhalb von Deutschland |
Examples |
bezüglich seines Plans |
bezüglich Ihres Schreibens |
Note : when the genitive case in the plural number is indiscernible i.e. the noun is not accompanied by an article or an adjective, then the noun is in the dative case. Nouns that stand alone in the singular number are usually not inflected.
Example |
bezüglich Vorfällen |
bezüglich Wohlstand |
Examples |
der guten Ordnung halber |
dringender Geschäfte halber |
Examples |
infolge Hochwassers |
infolge dichten Nebels |
Note : infolge can also be used as an adverb, combined with the preposition "von". This use is mandatory when the genitive case in the plural number is indiscernible or when the noun stands alone in the singular number.
Example |
infolge von Umweltkatastrophen |
infolge von Privatisierung |
Examples |
innerhalb des Hauses |
innerhalb der Landesgrenzen |
Note : when the genitive case in the plural number is indiscernible i.e. the noun is not accompanied by an article or an adjective, then the noun is in the dative case. Innerhalb can also be used as an adverb, when combined with the preposition "von". This use is mandatory when the genitive case in the plural number is indiscernible or when the noun stands alone in the singular number.
Example |
innerhalb drei Tagen |
innerhalb von sechs Stunden |
innerhalb von Deutschland |
Examples |
laut unseres Schreibens |
laut der Bundesagentur für Arbeit |
Note : laut also governs the dative case. When the genitive case in the plural number is indiscernible, the noun must be in the dative case. Nouns that stand alone in the singular number are usually not inflected.
Example |
laut Presseberichten |
laut Statistik |
mithilfe / mit Hilfe
Examples |
mithilfe geeigneter Methoden |
mithilfe ihrer Freunde |
Note : mithilfe can be used as an adverb, combined with the preposition "von" when the noun has no article. This use is mandatory when the genitive case in the plural number is indiscernible or when the noun stands alone in the singular number.
Example |
mithilfe von Satelliten |
mithilfe von Internet |
Examples |
oberhalb einer bestimmten Grenze |
oberhalb der Stadt |
Note : oberhalb can also be used as an adverb, when combined with the preposition "von", mainly with place names and numbers without an article.
Example |
oberhalb von Innsbruck |
oberhalb von 10 Prozent |
Examples |
trotz aller Bemühungen |
trotz aller Versuche |
Note : trotz can seldom be used with the dative case. When the genitive case in the plural number is indiscernible, the use of dative is mandatory. Nouns that are in the singular number are usually not inflected.
Example |
trotz Warnschildern |
trotz Nebenjob |
Examples |
um der Karriere willen |
um seiner selbst willen |
Examples |
unterhalb des Knies |
unterhalb des Dorfes |
Note : unterhalb can also be used as an adverb, when combined with the preposition "von", mainly with place names and numbers without an article.
Example |
unterhalb von Wien |
unterhalb von 2 Litern Benzin |
Examples |
unweit des Hauses |
unweit des Flusses |
Note : unweit can also be used as an adverb, when combined with the preposition "von".
Example |
unweit von der Stadt |
unweit von hier |
Examples |
während des Unterrichts |
während des ganzen Urlaubs |
Note : when the genitive case in the plural number is indiscernible i.e. the noun is not accompanied by an article or an adjective, then the noun is in the dative case.
Example |
während Ausflügen |
während fünf Monaten |
Examples |
wegen des schlechten Wetters |
wegen meines Bruders |
Note : when the genitive case in the plural number is indiscernible, the use of dative is mandatory. Nouns that stand alone in the singular number are usually not inflected.
Example |
wegen Geschäften |
wegen Umbau |
zugunsten / zu Gunsten
Examples |
zugunsten seines Kindes |
zugunsten der Arbeitnehmer |
Note : zugunsten can be used as an adverb combined with the preposition "von", when the noun has no article. This use is mandatory when the genitive case in the plural number is indiscernible or when the noun stands alone in the singular number.
Example |
zugunsten von Unternehmen |
zugunsten von Bildung |